In a standard NSX-v installation, by default, the only account that has API only privileges (and no vSphere Web Client privileges) is the NSX Manager “admin” account. It is possible to use vSphere SSO accounts to interact with the NSX API, however this will also allow vSphere Web Client access (although they wont be able to view or access anything once logged on without granting specific vCenter rights).
However, recently I have been working with specific customers where there is often a requirement for an audit trail of some description, and having API calls logged under a normal NSX administrators account or the admin account typically does not fly when it comes to security reviews.
In other customer environments, different teams (or even external companies) look after different components of the NSX environment, so there is often a case to be able to give API only access just for security related configuration, in which case you would want to create an API only user with the role Security Admin. As is often the case in outsourcing type scenarios, the admin account credentials are not easily given up.
You can see from the following screenshot that when looking in the UI at the NSX Manager audit logs, it just shows the User, and in this case, it is “admin”. This is the perfect example of 2 separate API clients making changes, as I actually made some manual changes via my Postman client, and some of the other audit log events are from automated scripts that I run. But from an audit log point of view, I can’t tell them apart.
Even if I was to pull the audit logs via the API, they don’t hold any more information to tell them apart.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <pagedAuditLogList> <dataPage> <pagingInfo> <pageSize>256</pageSize> <startIndex>1009</startIndex> <totalCount>1011</totalCount> <sortOrderAscending>true</sortOrderAscending> <sortBy>id</sortBy> </pagingInfo> <auditLog> <id>1010</id> <userName>admin</userName> <module>SECURITY_TAG</module> <operation>CREATE</operation> <resource>TAG-CREATED-BY-POSTMAN-CLIENT</resource> <resourceId>securitytag-13</resourceId> <status>SUCCESS</status> <timestamp>1453411865978</timestamp> <oldValue></oldValue> <newValue></newValue> <isResourceUniversal>false</isResourceUniversal> </auditLog> <auditLog> <id>1011</id> <userName>admin</userName> <module>SECURITY_TAG</module> <operation>CREATE</operation> <resource>TAG-CREATED-BY-CMP</resource> <resourceId>securitytag-14</resourceId> <status>SUCCESS</status> <timestamp>1453411907550</timestamp> <oldValue></oldValue> <newValue></newValue> <isResourceUniversal>false</isResourceUniversal> </auditLog> </dataPage> </pagedAuditLogList>
So as a means to provide the ability to be able to differentiate API only users, it is often a requirement to be able to create accounts specifically for API requests so these can be differentiated.
Remember it is possible to use a normal vCenter/SSO with the correct NSX Roles assigned to it to execute NSX API requests. However this article focuses on creating a API account that cannot be used at all to logon to the vSphere Web Client.
The first step in creating an new API only user account is to SSH to the NSX Manager, switch to enable mode and enter the configuration terminal.
nsxmgr> ena Password: nsxmgr# conf t nsxmgr(config)#
Now once at the configuration terminal, we need to create a new user account on the NSX Manager with the following command:
user username password (hash | plaintext) password
So for this example we will create a user account called api and set the password to be Password123:
nsxmgr(config)# nsxmgr(config)# user api password plaintext Password123 nsxmgr(config)#
The NSX Manager does not allow you to enter a username that has a capital letter. If you try and create a user with a capital letter in the username, you will get the cryptic error as shown below:
nsxmgr(config)# nsxmgr(config)# user Api password plaintext Password123 Failed to add user. Note: You cannot use this command to change the passwd of an existing user. ERROR: could not add user:Api nsxmgr(config)#
Once you’ve created the CLI user, you need to assign it web-interface privileges so that it is able to be authenticated against the NSX Manager web interface
user username privilege web-interface
nsxmgr(config)# user api privilege web-interface
Now save the configuration, and if you are the curious type, it possible to take a look at the running configuration.
nsxmgr(config)# user api privilege web-interface nsxmgr(config)# exit nsxmgr# nsxmgr# write memory Building Configuration... Configuration saved. [OK] nsxmgr# nsxmgr# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! user api ! ntp server ! ip name server ! hostname nsxmgr ! interface mgmt ip address ! ip route ! web-manager nsxmgr#
You will notice that the running configuration (or the startup configuration for that matter) does not indicate if the user has web-interface privileges or not!
Although we have our API user created, if we try to do something via the API with the newly created credentials, we will get the error HTTP Status 403 – VC user does not have any role on NSX Manager.
So this is indicating that the user doesn’t have any roles assigned on the NSX Manager.
Now jump into the vSphere Web Client and navigate to Networking & Security > NSX Managers > “Select your NSX Manager” > Manage > Users
As you can see the user we created called api is not listed, and therefore has no role assigned.
If you try to create the user from this screen as I have done in the next screenshot
The user will be created as a vCenter user (as indicated in the Origin column), which means that the user will be authenticated against vCenter/SSO and will allow the user account to at least be able to logon to the vSphere Web Client.
You’ll also notice that the admin user has an Origin of NSX CLI User, so what we need to do is create the user with an origin of NSX CLI User. Unfortunatley this cannot be done from the vSphere Web Client and must be done via the API.
A quick thanks to Donovan Durand (@donovanjd) for figuring out the API required for this.
The API to do this is as follows:
POST https://NSX-Manager-IP-Address/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/role/userId?isCli=true
Request Body
<accessControlEntry> <role>new-role</role> <resource> <resourceId>resource-num</resourceId> </resource> </accessControlEntry>
The possible options for the role are:
- auditor (Auditor)
- security_admin (Security Administrator)
The API requires that you enter the userId. Unlike most other NSX-v API requests, this does not use the underlying object-Id assigned to the object. You MUST enter the actual username assigned to the account.
For this example, we will use auditor for the role.
Request Body
<accessControlEntry> <role>auditor</role> <resource> <resourceId>globalroot-0</resourceId> </resource> </accessControlEntry>
And when submitted, if all goes well, we should get a response of HTTP 204 No Content.
Now take another look at the user configuration in the vSphere Web Client and the newly created api user should be present.
Now you should be able to use the new credentials when interacting with the NSX API.
If the roles auditor or security_admin do not give you enough privileges, you can modify the role assigned to the newly created user either via another API request, or you can simply edit the user in the vSphere Web Client now and change the role assigned
A warning will appear when you click Finish notifying you that if you proceed that all ongoing sessions for the user being modified will be terminated. Click Yes if you want to proceed
If you want to change the role assignement via the API, it can be done using the following API
PUT https://NSX-Manager-IP-Address/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/role/userId
Request Body
<accessControlEntry> <role>role</role> <resource> <resourceId>resource-num</resourceId> </resource> </accessControlEntry>
The possible options to change a users role are as follows:
- super_user (System Administrator)
vshield_admin (NSX Administrator)enterprise_admin (Enterprise Admin)- security_admin (Security Administrator)
- auditor (Auditor)
For this example I will change the role assigned to my user called api to be vshield_admin (NSX Administrator).
Request Body
<accessControlEntry> <role>vshield_admin</role> <resource> <resourceId>globalroot-0</resourceId> </resource> </accessControlEntry>
If the request has been successful it should return a HTTP 200 OK message and the response body with the role assignment as follows
Response Body
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <accessControlEntry> <role>vshield_admin</role> </accessControlEntry>
If you choose to change the role assigned to either auditor or security_admin, the response body will also include details of the resourceId (scope) as shown in the following example response body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <accessControlEntry> <role>security_admin</role> <resource> <objectId>globalroot-0</objectId> <objectTypeName>GlobalRoot</objectTypeName> <vsmUuid>423D5836-F7F8-5BBB-85E9-670FDBC0D8F0</vsmUuid> <nodeId>1e2da1cb-3182-4ed1-a7af-e9a242619cb3</nodeId> <revision>15</revision> <type> <typeName>GlobalRoot</typeName> </type> <name>Global</name> <clientHandle></clientHandle> <extendedAttributes/> <isUniversal>false</isUniversal> <universalRevision>0</universalRevision> </resource> </accessControlEntry>
And now in the UI it is possible to differentiate what account was used for the API call
And this is also reflected in the audit logs when retrieved via the API too
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <pagedAuditLogList> <dataPage> <pagingInfo> <pageSize>256</pageSize> <startIndex>1017</startIndex> <totalCount>1019</totalCount> <sortOrderAscending>true</sortOrderAscending> <sortBy>id</sortBy> </pagingInfo> <auditLog> <id>1018</id> <userName>api</userName> <module>SECURITY_TAG</module> <operation>DELETE</operation> <resource>TAG-CREATED-BY-POSTMAN-CLIENT</resource> <resourceId>securitytag-13</resourceId> <status>SUCCESS</status> <timestamp>1453415038938</timestamp> <oldValue></oldValue> <newValue></newValue> <isResourceUniversal>false</isResourceUniversal> </auditLog> <auditLog> <id>1019</id> <userName>System</userName> <module>ACCESS_CONTROL</module> <operation>LOGIN</operation> <resource>admin</resource> <resourceId>userinfo-3</resourceId> <status>SUCCESS</status> <timestamp>1453415834411</timestamp> <isResourceUniversal>false</isResourceUniversal> </auditLog> </dataPage> </pagedAuditLogList>
UPDATE: 07/09/2017
It appears that when I first wrote this article, back in the 6.2.x days, you could assign any of the NSX Roles to a CLI account. However, it turns out that this was not meant to be how it was meant to work and the roles applicable to CLI accounts in later versions has been drastically reduced to auditor, security_admin and super_user.
This may or may not be an issue for you, but I have found one environment where this was an issue.
I must be missing something. Why cannot you use vCenter SSO account? It works with NSX API and is much easier to manage than NSX local accounts.
You are 100% correct Tomas, it is possible to use an SSO backed account for NSX API access, and even if you do not give that account any vCenter rights and just assign an NSX Manager role to it, it still allows you to login to the vSphere Web Client with that account (although you cannot see anything at all due to having no rights within vCenter).
This is something that some of my recent customers didn’t want to do so we had to find out a way around it so that the account they used for API access could not logon to the vSphere Web Client at all.
I will update the post shortly so that it articulates the particular use case this is for (and to remove any incorrect statements).
Dale, I had a PSO Consultant work through this process and was having a problem and I think I know where the confusion/issue occurred. After you create the API user through the CLI “user api password plaintext Password123” and assign to “web-interface”, you then indicate that the user does not appear in the list of Users under the NSX Manager->Manage->User, so you created it through the UI and now it is a vCenter user. The problem, I believe, is that you do not indicate that you should delete that user through the UI, before you attempt to execute the “POST https://NSX-Manager-IP-Address/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/role/userId?isCli=true” as it will throw an error.
Great article, good information and very useful.
This is very informative and helped us solve some needs.
One thing to note is that you will need at least 2 headers on the API calls:
– Authorization header, in which I created a basic auth header with the NSX admin user and password
– Content-Type, in which I set it to application/xml. If you don’t specify Content-Type, you’ll get an unsupported media type error
Since our standard is always json, I also added an Accept header and set it to application/json so the response body is in json
When you do the “POST https://NSX-Manager-IP-Address/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/role/api?isCli=true” this will create a new user account called “api” but which password will you have on this? you cannot set it on the same API call? I try to change the password by web client but I’m just able to change the role, how can I set the password?
Hope you can help me on this.
OK I got this, first you have to create the user on CLI and then you have to create the user (again?) by API using the call “POST https://NSX-Manager-IP-Address/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/role/api?isCli=true”. The password for the user will be what you set on your NSX Manager CLI commands (user api password plaintext your_password).
Thanks for the posts
Any idea on what happened if you have a CLI user account with vshield_admin or enterprise_admin role and upgrade from 6.2 to 6.3?