Dale Coghlan

Log Insight & NSX-v DFW 1

I was recently asked by a customer who is running NSX vSphere (NSX-v) and Log Insight, is there a way they can export data from Log Insight that will give them the unique source/destination/protocol/destinationPort from the DFW logs for a given ruleId over a given time period. This exported data […]

NSXv – DFW Log Format Change

In NSXv 6.2.2 and earlier, the format of the DFW logs has remained relatively the same for quite some time now. The following is a specific sample of the dfwpktlogs.log file from an NSXv 6.2.2 host. [root@host-192-168-111-11:~] tail -f /var/log/dfwpktlogs.log 2016-09-17T09:41:50.979Z INET match DROP domain-c46/1005 OUT 78 UDP> 2016-09-17T09:41:50.979Z INET […]