Scripting: NSX-v – Security Groups with Dynamic membership

NSX-v allows the creation of Security Groups to group objects to be used in DFW rules and security policies. Each security group can have a mix of static and dynamic membership (If you want to get picky, you can also statically exclude objects). One of the possible ways to dynamically […]

Scripting: NSX-v – Importing Checkpoint Objects

When faced with migrating from a Checkpoint installation to a VMware NSX-v installation, at some point someone is going to need to get all the objects across to the new firewall platform. I was recently asked to help add some functionality to a script to take some data from an odumper csv output and pump it into NSX-v.

Scripting: Querying NSX-v service objects by port 2

When using the NSX-v distributed firewall (DFW) have you ever need to find out if a service has already been configured in the system for a particular port number? Recently I was given a sample ruleset from a client to re-create in the DFW, and one thing that stood out was that […]

VMware vCenter Operations Manager – Attribute Keys for Custom Dashboards

So if you’ve landed on this post, it because you’ve searched for something to do with VMware vCenter Operations Manager. Whilst I am in not a guru when it comes to this product… yet, and with a bit of reading its possible to find out most of what you need, […]